A Climate Conversation on Earth Day
Do you have questions? We have questions and maybe some answers about climate change. Join Climate Advocates Bennington and the Bennington Energy Committee at the Bennington Free Library on Earth Day, April 22 for a Climate Conversation about climate change and energy use in the Bennington area.
Climate change is often discussed at the global and national levels. The State of Vermont has set goals for greenhouse gas emissions and the Assembly is working on the issue during this session and probably in every session to come. Our conversation will focus primarily on Bennington and the surrounding area. What are the issues and problems at this local level? How are they being addressed? What has already been accomplished?
These questions will be addressed at the Climate Conversation. A panel of knowledgeable people will be present to discuss how Bennington fits into the larger picture and what Bennington plans for the future. Your questions, concerns, ideas can be part of the discussion as we think about the future of our community.
More questions . Send CAB an email. 350cab@climateadvocatesbennington.org